Krig i Norge 76. (In Norwegian).

TheMafia skrev:

20 mars, 2008 klokken 19:55 e

ja der er i alle fall moro å lese om disse prosjektene dine, Erik. Du har jo helt klart problemer, og det er synd du ikke vil la familien din gi deg den hjelpen du trenger. Siden du er helt sikker på at jeg er medlem av den mafien forfølgelses vanviddet ditt har funnet opp så orker jeg ikke signe med eget navn, det er jo sikkert bare et kpde navn uannsett, ikke sant?

johncons skrev:

21 mars, 2008 klokken 00:57 e

Jeg har skrevet hva jeg vet her:

Lack of openness from the Government.
I understand that there’s something going on.

I overheard in Norway, on Rimi Bjørndal, in Desember 03, that I was followed by ‘the mafia’.

I was chased from my uncles farm in Kvelde in Larvik in Norway, in July 05, by people with guns and dogs, and who I overheard wanted to kill me, og injure me. (The dogs could have been police-dogs by the way, I heard the people first and then the dogs).

I’ve had phoney water-meter inspectors in my flat, at the end of the last year, claiming to be from United Utilities, who wanted to look in the electricity-cabinet/cupboard, and which the complany told me that they hadn’t sent, since I didn’t have a water-meter in my flat, (since all UK flats haven’t got one, and they’re inspectors never look in the electricy-cabinet/cupboard). So it seems that this was something to do with inteligence etc.

And I’ve overheard in Liverpool this yead, that I’ve been used as a target-guy. By some Government then I presume.

And I overheard in Walton in 05, that I was in something called ‘the game’, or something, and I heard them say that I didn’t know the rules. Which I don’t, I have no idea what this is about.

And I understood that there was something strange going on Arvato, Liverpool, when I was working there in 05 and 06, with the STL Aidan Tippins acting strange, lying, acting threatening, and looking like he conspired with some other people working there, and much more also happened there.

So it’s clear to me, that there is something going on.

Still, I don’t really know what’s going on.

If one search on the internet, one can’t find any information about these episodes/issues.

And I’ve contacted the Norwegian Embassy in London, the Norwegian and the British Police, the media, and a lot of different other Government institutions/organisations, in both Norway and Britain.

I’m also reading a lot of online newspapers, I’m always answering my phone when it’s ringing, and I’m reading all the letters I get with my mail.

And still I’m sitting here, being un-informed, and un-enlightend about what’s going on.

So I suspect that the Government has got some kind of hidden agenda somewhere, that they don’t want to be exposed, and that this is why they don’t deal with this in openness.

Hvis det er noe du mener ikke stemmer her, så får du heller ta det opp konkret da.

Hvem du nå er.

Det er litt merkelig, synes jeg, med folk som kjenner meg, men som ikke sier hvem de er.

Så er det vel ikke fritt for, at man da kan begynne å lure litt.

Det må man vel innrømme.

Men du får ha lykke til da, angående om du klarer å komme på navnet ditt osv.

Så lykke til med det!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog