Erik Ribsskog <>
Klage/Fwd: Bekreft ditt abonnement på LailaMonicaVedumstuenHøibakkenNikolaisen
Erik Ribsskog <> 9. oktober 2024 kl. 07:58
Til: " Support" <>
Kopi: Postkasse <>,, post <>, Sfovpost <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>,, Akademikerforbundet <>, Politikk Høyre <>,, Phso Enquiries <>,,,, Post <>, "inger.lise.blyverket" <>,
dere må prøve å finne ut hva som har skjedd her.
(For jeg har ikke kontaktet dere).
Og så har jeg også rett til (mener jeg) å få vite hva dere akter å foreta dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer med andre 'Hvermansen-folk', i fremtida.
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
man. 9. okt. 2023 kl. 12:02 skrev Support <>:
Afzal_Pansuvi (Automattic)
Oct 9, 2023, 10:02 UTC
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to Support. I'm here to address the issue of unwanted email subscriptions that you've encountered.
I completely understand your concern, and I want to assure you that your peace of mind matters to us. If you find yourself receiving emails that you haven't intentionally subscribed to from a specific website, you can confidently disregard these emails. There's no need for any further action on your part. It's possible that these emails were sent in error, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
However, should you continue to receive unwanted emails or if you have any other questions, doubts, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to provide assistance and ensure that your experience with is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
Best regards,
Afzal P. Support | Automattic