Stikkord: Adjudicator
Jeg sendte en klage på the Tax Office, til min MP, (Member of Parliament), Mrs. Lousie Ellman
Gmail – Complaint about the Tax Office/Fwd: PHSO: Your complaint regarding HMRC and the Adjudicator's Office Erik Ribsskog <> Complaint about the Tax Office/Fwd: PHSO: Your complaint regarding HMRC and the Adjudicator’s Office Erik Ribsskog <> Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:01 AM To: Hi, my complaint is about that the Tax Office, told…
Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra the Parliament Ombudsman
Gmail – PHSO: Your complaint regarding HMRC and the Adjudicator's Office Erik Ribsskog <> PHSO: Your complaint regarding HMRC and the Adjudicator’s Office Phso Enquiries <> Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:54 AM To: "" <> Dear Mr Ribsskog Your reference: EN-97819 (Please quote in any future correspondence) I write further to my email of…
Jeg sendte en klage på the Adjudicator til the Parliamentary Ombudsman
Gmail – Complaint about the Adjudicator Erik Ribsskog <> Complaint about the Adjudicator Erik Ribsskog <> Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 8:04 PM To: Phso Enquiries <> Hi, the Adjudicator, has written a long and methodical letter, and fine, in the way, that it's without spelling-errors, etc. But, they ignore one thing. That was, that…
Nå har jeg fått ligningsattest. Jeg fikk ikke noe skatt, siden jeg har vært selvstendig næringsdrivende og arbeidsledig
PS. De pengene jeg skylder de, de er fra skatten ifjor, hvor skattemyndighetene rota. Så den er hos the Adjudicator. Så den gjelden der, den regner jeg med at blir sletta. Vi får se. Bare noe jeg kom på. Mvh. Erik Ribsskog