Stikkord: Currys
Min Bok 7 – Kapittel 5: Mer fra Globetrotter Inn
Dette herberget, hadde også en bar/nattklubb, husker jeg. Jeg husker det, at jeg havnet der, en kveld. (De hadde blant annet biljardbord der, husker jeg). Og jeg traff to unge, italienske damer, (i baren), husker jeg. Jeg hadde jo mye penger. Så jeg spurte disse damene, om de ville ha noe å drikke. Og de…
Enclosure 1, letter to Currys, 25/1.
Friday, 25 January 2008Phoney games at Currys store?I was at Currys in Church St. today, and it seemed like the staff and customers acted phoney, like in some sort of set-up. Two of the customers, dressed in those types of wests, that all British workers, who work outside are wearing, asked me, or rather, one…
Letter to Currys, 7/2.
Erik Ribsskog Flat 3 5 Leather Lane Liverpool 7. February 2008 L2 2AE Currys Dixons House Maylands Avenue Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 7TG COMPLAINT I was at your store in Church St., Liverpool, on 25/1, and then I had some problems with some a bit awkward incidents: Here’s an excerpt for the enclosed copy, of…
Phoney games at Currys store?
I was at Currys in Church St. today, and it seemed like the staff and customers acted phoney, like in some sort of set-up. Two of the customers, dressed in those types of wests, that all British workers, who work outside are wearing, asked me, or rather, one of them asked me, if it was…