Stikkord: Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation
StatCounter: Someone are making a point of, that the Bertelmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation in Liverpool is now moved to Germany.
PS. That’s not really the point, the way I see it. If some Scandinavian and other people are being bullied by managers in Britain or in Germany, that’s more or less the same, the way I see it. I think the problem is in Bertelsmann. At least, I don’t think this problem will disappear, if…
More from the LiveLeak website
So?Posted 1 hour ago by “magna750” (R) Quote | Flag Comment (0)Delete Comment? Well, don’t you think it says a bit about Bertelsmann. This team-leader is obvioulsly to immature, to have responsibility for people. I don’t think people who write cantina like this: ‘CaNTiNa!!!’, should have manager-responsiblity, because if they write like that, they are…
LiveLeak: More about product-activation over the phone seeming like a phoney job. And that it seemed like the Nordic women there were whores etc.
Quoted comment by AvgDude2: Typical IS bullshit. Not all coding assignments are equal and the paperwork surround software life-cycle is often incredibly overdesigned making if the most minor of code changes and 2 week project. This happening inside an environment where changes often have to be done immediately to stay on release schedule leads the…
LiveLeak: Bertelsmann Arvato Team-Leader using female/feminist-sign with signature on company e-mails
LiveLeak: Bertelsmann team-leader calls co-workers ‘lazy’ in e-mail
StatCounter: Diverse rare søk idag på Google. (In Norwegian).
Det er han med Mac-en på Fornebu, som har søkt de fire søkene som er merket der. Han sier han jobber for Bertelsmann for å søke på bloggen min. Det synes jeg høres rart ut, men noe rart er det ihvertfall med den personen, for han søker på den måten hver dag, sånn at søket…
StatCounter: Noen søker på ‘illuminati er din venn, ribsskog’ og ‘les dan brown, ribsskog’, på Google. (In Norwegian). PS. Jeg tror som sagt ikke at Illuminati er min venn, men jeg mistenker at de har noe slags krig mot Norden og Norge, basert på om folk er typisk nordiske eller ikke. Og når det gjelder Dan Brown, så blir han utgitt av Random House, som eies av Bertelsmann, som jeg…
Flashback til 2006: Svensk dame på Arvato hore? (In Norwegian).
Jeg husker hun Emelie Wallin, som begynte på Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft-aktivering, våren 2006, var det vel. Hun så ganske ung ut, men hun fortalte at hun hadde ‘jobbet i Sverige’. ‘Jag har jobbat’, eller noe. Så om hun har jobbet som noe hore i Sverige. Det kunne nesten virke sånn. Og hun var så horete,…
Var det rart at jeg fikk problemer med danske Microsoft-samtaler da jeg jobbet på Arvato? (In Norwegian).
i have set the norske one here in december. because we har norske chanel in Denmark. and i think its okay:-) its just you miss alot of jokes we have in the danske one. fordi in Danmark we har alot of acents and the benny is from copenhagen hvor they snak alittle funny. and then…