Stikkord: The Queen of England

  • A British message-board is also linking to my blog.

    A crazy person emails the queen What is waffle? My view is that if you can come and view the thread in 3 hours time and join in – then it can go into waffle. All other throwaway "chat" shite needs to go into the "Weird shite" forum. Pruning set to 60 days. Post a…

  • E-mail to the Queen.

    E-mail to the Queen. Hi, I’ve been in contact with the Merseyside Police, regarding that I’ve overheard that I’ve been followed by ‘the mafia’, in Norway, and that there have been problems, with people being the subject of organised harassment, and bullying/punishment, from managers, that the managers are trained to do, on Arvato Services Ltd’s Microsoft Scandinavian Product…