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Erik Ribsskog
Your document has been removed
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 3:35 PM
Scribd Copyright Notice <copyright@postmaster.scribd.com>
I uploaded it to Scribd so to have a back-up there.
is this some kind of sabotage?
Don’t you understand that I’m Erik Ribsskog?
This is a book that I have written and own the copyrights for.
I uploaded it to Scribd so to have a back-up there.
Because this is my memoirs that I want to stay on the web, because I try to warn about different employment-cases, etc.
This seems very odd to me. Is this some kind of false flag-operation?
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Scribd Copyright Notice <copyright@postmaster.scribd. com> wrote:

Hello, johncons — We have removed your document “Erik Ribsskog – Min Bok 3” (id: 96236971) because our text matching system determined that it was very similar to a work that has been marked as copyrighted and not permitted on Scribd.
Like all automated matching systems, our system is not perfect and occasionally makes mistakes. If you believe that your document is not infringing, please contact us at copyright@scribd.com and we will investigate the matter.
As stated in our terms of use, repeated incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your Scribd.com account and prohibit you from uploading material to Scribd.com in the future. To prevent us from having to take these steps, please delete from scribd.com any material you have uploaded to which you do not own the necessary rights and refrain from uploading any material you are not entitled to upload. For more information about Scribd.com’s copyright policy, please read the Terms of Use located at http://www.scribd.com/terms. Best regards, Scribd Support Team
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