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Gmail – Vikingskip i England/Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in Chester


Erik Ribsskog


Vikingskip i England/Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave’s Church in Chester

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:28 AM


Per Gisle Galåen <>


ok, du er biblotekar ja.
Jeg kjenner to ganske nyutdannede biblotekar-damer, fra HiO.
Det er Siri Rognli Olsen, fra Ranheim, og hu har jeg anmeldt for voldtekt, for hu tulla fælt en helg i Oslo, i 1990, da hu skulle på Alarm-konsert, sammen med venninna, og jeg lot dem bo hos meg, på Abildsø.

Hu andre, det er Marianne Høksaas, fra Risør vel, som er biblotekar på BI, tror jeg.
Hu gikk med musesmå skritt, husker jeg, i høyhæla sko vel, og med rød strikk i håret, da hu var sjefen min, på Arvato sin skandinaviske Microsoft-aktivering, i Liverpool.

Hu prata også høyt om boka Fatso, som var om en som bare satt hjemme og runka, som hu kringkasta, sånn at jeg hørte henne, fra et annet bord.
Så de biblotekar-damene, de burde du passe deg for, de er noen uskikkelige damer, vil jeg si.

Men men.
Sorry at jeg tuller litt her, jeg er arbeidsledig i England, så jeg kjeder meg litt her.
Jeg ser frem til å få hjelp til å grave opp det vikingskipet da, sånn at jeg får noe å gjøre.

Igjen takk for svar!
Det var visst en søstera mi kjente, som var på den kongsseteren, eller noe.
Hu dro dit visst i helgene, tror jeg.
Noe sånt.

Rundt 1991 eller 92 kanskje.

Men men.
Jo, en ting til.
Det er litt rart, at man må dele buss, med svette badegjester, til Huk, hvis man skal på museum på Bøgdøy.

Kanskje noen blir flaue av å måtte sitte sammen med masse halvnakne ungdommer på bussen.
Hva med å ha en egen museumsbuss?
Bare et forslag.

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Per Gisle Galåen <> wrote:

Hei igjen.

Norsk Maritimt Museum er tidligere Norsk Sjøfartsmuseum, og vi

ligger på Bygdøynes sammen med Framhuset og Kon-Tiki. Vikingskipshuset hører

til under Kulturhistorisk museum, UIO.

Lykke til!


Per Gisle Galåen



Norsk Maritimt Museum

Bygdøynesvn. 37

0286 OSLO

Tlf. 24 11 41 62 (dir.), faks 24 11 41 51


Fra: Erik Ribsskog


Sendt: 3. desember 2010 11:38

Til: Per Gisle Galåen

Emne: Re: Vikingskip i England/Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St.

Olave's Church in Chester


ok, det var glimrende!

Da bare venter jeg og ser om jeg får noe svar her.

Jeg ser forresten at dere har adresse i Bygdøy.

Er det vikingskipmuseet jeg har kommet til nå?

(Det er noen år siden jeg var på museene uti der, da vi var

på klassetur, med Svelvik Ungdomsskole.

Men søstera mi, Pia Ribsskog, var visst mye ute på kongsgården der, den første

tida hu bodde i Oslo.

På Bygdøy, tror jeg, uten at jeg vet nøyaktig hva hu dreiv med der.

Men men).


Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Per Gisle Galåen <>


Hei Erik Ribsskog.

Takk for henvendelsen. Jeg har

videresendt e-posten din til leder for arkeologisk avdeling, Frode Kvalø, samt

professor i nordisk arkeologi, Arne Emil Christensen. Jeg snakket med Frode

Kvalø i går om dette, og han skulle ta en titt på saken. Han har e-post


Per Gisle Galåen



Norsk Maritimt Museum

Bygdøynesvn. 37

0286 OSLO

Tlf. 24 11 41 62 (dir.), faks 24 11 41 51


Fra: Erik

Ribsskog []

Sendt: 2. desember 2010 16:11

Til: SF_FellesPost


Emne: Vikingskip i England/Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St.

Olave's Church in Chester


Riksantikvaren har anbefalt meg, å kontakte blant annet dere og Kulturhistorisk

museum, om dette.


Kulturhistorisk museum svarer ikke, så jeg går videre.


gjelder et flott klinkebygget vikinge-langskip, som ligger under

parkeringsplassen, til en pub, i the Wirral, i England.

Jeg har pratet med noen som jobber der, og har skrevet om dette på blogg,

(etter å ha vært og sett på vikinghavnen i Meols, og fått tips om dette


Jeg har også vært på vikingkongress i Chester, og forklart om at det skipet

burde tas opp av leira, for ingen kan jo se det under leire.


det skipet er vel unikt, i England.


burde vært på museum, og det var norske vikinger, som ble jaget fra Dublin, som

slo seg ned på the Wirral.

Og muligens også vikinger som kom dit rett fra Norge, dette er på vestkysten av

England, og grenser til Irskesjøen, like ved Isle of Man osv., hvor de norske

vikingene dro.

dette langskipet burde vært i et museum, mener jeg.

Men britene er visst mer opptatt av romersk arkeologi.

Så jeg prøver å få tak i ekspertise, (og senere muligens midler), fra Norge.

Britene er redd for at skipet vil råtne, hvis de graver det opp.


i Norge, så har vi jo gravet opp mange vikingeskip, og de står i museer.

Mens i England, så har de vel ingen andre vikinge/klinke-bygde skip.

Jeg mener dette er norrøn kultur, siden skipet er klinkebygget.

Kunne dere gitt råd om konservering/utgraving av skipet?

En komite bestemte å ikke grave opp skipet, men det var forskere fra svenske

universitet med på den beslutningen.

Og svenske vikinger dro jo østover, så det virker rart, synes jeg, at svenske

forskere skulle være med å ta beslutninger om et norsk vikingeskip.


nå har jeg altså tatt opp dette temaet igjen, på viking-konferansen, i forrige

måned, i Chester.

Så nå burde det være mulig å begynne fra 'scratch', på et nytt prosjekt, som

jeg har startet med da.


kan kontakte puben igjen, og konverserer også med prosjektleder, på det forrige

prosjektet, professor Stephen Harding, ved universitetet i Nottingham.

Arkeologen, ved Liverpool National Museum, sa på konferansen, at hvis jeg

skaffer midler, så kan han og museet grave opp skipet.

Men han klagde på at det ville råtne, og var ekspert i romersk arkeologi, så om

dere kunne gitt mer noe mer tilbakemeldinger her.

For på the Wirral, så er det ingen store byer, det er jo et gammelt norsk

vikingland, så det kunne kanskje vært artig fra Norges side, å bidra også, til

en konstruktiv løsning på dette prosjektet?

Det er jo snakk om felles kultur, mener jeg, og ingen er vel bedre kompetanse

enn nordmenn, når det gjelder vikingskip?

Håper dere kan komme med tilbakemelding på dette.


tenker også på å kontakte ambassaden i London, om dette.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog


Forwarded message ———-

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:08 PM

Subject: Re: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in Chester

To: Stephen Harding <>



I've supported Everton, since I was 7 years old, since my mother, Karen

Ribsskog, who had been an au-pair, in the UK, said they were good.


I think it's enough to support one English football-team.

But I think the Viking-stuff is fun.


is also a bit Norse, since it's from 'eofer', which means wild pig, in Old

Norse, and 'ton', is the same as the Norwegian 'tun', which means area around

the farm-house.


a refugee you see, and am busy trying to get my rights in Norway and in the UK.


I haven't got that much time.

I have four blogs, and a website, that I run, where I write about my interests

and more:


this is new site, that I'm working on now:


sorry they are in Norwegian, but I see you sometimes write a bit in Norwegian,

like salutations etc.


I'm from Norway you know, and in Norway we need a bit time to get to know



I'm from a small place in Norway, called Berger in Vestfold, in Svelvik

municipality, (I've also lived in Larvik municipality).

Thanks very much anyway!



Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Stephen Harding <>


OK Erik

Next time we will have Labskaus-scouse as we had for

the book-launch for Ingimunds Saga back in 2001, which Trondheim sent their top


If you ring me I can tell you more about what we are


What about supporting Tranmael? Our Viking team

is playing Hartlepool tonight, kick off 7.45pm.

Steve Harding

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 23 November 2010 12:31

Subject: Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's

Church in Chester




I have really started my own Viking-project here a bit. 🙂

I just wanted to level with the Viking-congress, that was on Saturday, in


But I'll update and level more, when I know more, from my contact with the

experts in Norway.

Hope this is alright, and sorry that I'm sending so much correspondence about


Thanks again for the good food, on Saturday, even if it wasn't 'speke'-food, I

still think it was good food with the chicken balti sandwiches etc.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Forwarded message ———-

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:15 PM

Subject: Fwd: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in Chester




is what the Riksantikvaren in Norway, wrote about the Vikingship on the Wirral,

by the way:

From: Haustveit, Gunvor <>

Date: 2010/10/18

Subject: Svar på spørsmål "hjelp med å grave opp vikingskip i England"


Hei og takk for


Det er flere kompetansesentra og forskere som er

dyktige på feltet

om vikingskip. Anbefaler først og fremst: Kulturhistorisk museum med

Vikingskipshuset, dernest Norsk Maritimt Museum og Norsk Institutt for

kulturminneforskning. I Danmark er det kompetanse ved Roskilde museum.

Lykke til!

(Translates to:

Hi and thanks for the e-mail.

There are many competence-centers and

scientists who are good at the field vikingships. I recomend first and

foremost: Cultural-historical museum with the Vkingships-huset, then Norwegian

Maritim Museum and Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Science. In

Denmark they have competence at Roskilde Museum.

Good Luck!).

(This was sent before I read about the

project on your website, regarding this vikingship).


Gunvor Haustveit



Postboks 8196 Dep

0034 Oslo

Tlf: + 47 98 20 27 60


Forwarded message ———-

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 11:15 AM

Subject: Re: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in Chester


Stephen Harding <>



but if they have vikingships on museums in Norway, they are also made of wood,

and they don't decay.

They even have Vikingship-museums in Northern Germany, that used to be southern

Denmark, as far as I remember.


heard that the vikingship is under the _parking-lot_ of the pub, (like I said

on the congress).

But I have contacted, (like I wrote), the University of Oslo,

cultural-historical museum, both before and after the congress, and I hope to

hear back from them soon.


just went to Meols, to look at the old Viking-harbour, you see, just to get

some fresh air, since I live in the City Centre of Liverpool.

And then I asked one of the 'natives' about where the viking harbour was, and

he also told me, that there was a viking ship, under the pub there.

And then I went to the pub, the Railway Inn, and spoke with the staff there, (a

woman in her 20's, I think, who almost looked Norwegian, I think).


she showed me that there was newspaper-articles on the wall, in the big pub,

and pictures of a viking longship, etc.

I promised I'd write about this on my blog, so that people in Norway could read

about it.


I contacted University of Oslo.

But then, later, I read about your desition, to leave the ship under the clay.

But then, I saw that you had asked universities in Gothenburg and Stockhome for


And I don't understand why you ask Swedish universities for advise, regarding

Norwegian vikingships.

Because the Swedes went east.

And the Norwegians went to the Irish Sea, etc.

The Swedish Vikings didn't go to England and the Irish Sea, they went to Russia

etc, in the east.

So I thought that project was a bit strange, why involve Swedish universities

in this?

Since there is a rivalary between Sweden and Norway, after many wars, from the

Viking-time and up to modern history.


that made me a bit sceptical, to that project, when I saw that many Swedish

universities were involved.

My reflex, since I am from Norway, would be not to let Swedes be to much

involved in a Norwegian/(Irish) Viking-project.

But anyway.


I have contacted the University of Oslo, cultur-historical museum about this,

who the 'riksantikvaren', in Norway, refered me to.

So I'm just waiting to get an answer from them.

And then I'll contact you when and if I hear something back from them.


this is alright!


you very much for your replies, and sorry that I was a bit late for the

congress, I just missed the Chester-train, and then I had to take the next

train, for Port Ellismere, and change for Chester, so then I was delayed.


is mostly because I'm from Norway, that I'm interested in the congress and the

Viking-places on the Wirral, because in Norway, this is almost like general

knowledge, that we learn about on school etc., so this with Viking-stuff is

almost the only thing we take serious in Norway, (except from skiing).



But that's why I'm so interested in this.


again for the reply to my e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Harding <>


Dear Erik

I was part of the team that

did the Ground Penetrating Radar studies 3 years ago that appeared to verify the

existence of the old vessel and we did discuss this in detail with the people

in Oslo – Arne Christiansen and Knut Paasche of the skiphuset Bygdoy. The

Chair of the afternoon session was Dr. David Griffiths, distinguished Viking

Archaeologist from Oxford, born and brought up in Heswall and like myself a

passionate Wirralian – as he explained in his talk. All 3 of us – Rob

Philpott, David and myself are in total agreement as to the situation about the

boat. Unfortunately you can’t just go down and expose the boat as the old wood

would decay rapidly: this would be very irresponsible!. Its underneath a

pub and near a major road so unless we can find an estimated 8-10 million

pounds, we have to leave it where it is. Then when we have the money lets

go for it! To repeat what Rob has said, if you have any ideas where we

can get this money, let us know. Believe me we would dearly love to have

this excavated but it just can’t be done at the moment. However we are

going to have a meeting soon but I can’t see – without the money – much else we

can do at the momentThe Friends of Meols Park organisation are having trouble

trying to raise £40,000 for a statue of Ingimund for Meols Park, again if you

have any ideas for funds that would be great.

Nottingham involvement:

The organizers of the

conference were Liz Royles and myself. Liz: is Keeper of early

archaeology at the Grosvenor Museum at Chester – and was born and brought up

from Meols. Liz did a tremendous job putting on the exhibition and obtaining

the grants so that everyone could attend for free – and even have free


Myself: Indeed I am now at

the University of Nottingham but was born and brought up in Wirral – near Meols

and then Wallasey, and come from 2 very old Wirral families that go back at

least several hundred years, and very proud of this – if you have a chance

please look at my website

even Tranmere – Tranmael – my

team, has a Norwegian name:

it would be great if you

could join us!

I have just written another

book with Liverpool FC fan Stig Vaagan from Hamar – det Norske Liverpool –
Vikinger, DNA og Nåtid, which

will be published soon in Norway, which includes a lot about the Scandinavian

Church on Park Lane: do you know these people there.

I have also secured an

agreement from the people re-constructing the “Drakken” ship of Harald Harfagre

for it to sail to Liverpool and Wirral in 2012/2013 after the boat is complete

and indeed have been trying very hard for the last 10 years to develop the

whole areas Viking Heritage.

What about meeting up for a

beer sometime and we can discuss the boat?

All the best

Steve Harding

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 23 November 2010 04:11

To: Stephen Harding

Subject: Re: Viking-congress in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in



I wasn't aware of that there were boats in

clay in Scandinavia.

But, like I wrote in the earlier e-mail, in Scandinavia, we have a lot of ships

in museums from before.

And they had made 46 trenches in Irby, and

none in Meols, even if Meols is more Norse/Viking, Irby means town of the


So I question the priorities here, and as

I wrote, and updated the congress about, I have contacted the University of

Oslo, about this.

So I was mostly summarising, what I said on the congress.

Further, to my complaint.

I think what happened after lunch, distroyed the congress.

The chair from University of Chester was

ill, and a new chair, from Nottingham, was a reserve.

I remember it like you only mentioned his firstname, briefly before the congress

started again, after lunch.

And his field wasn't mentioned I think.

I understood this to be a national Viking congress, and not a Nottingham one.

So noone knew who this guy was or what his

field was, (the new chair).

He was a reserve, and should have toned himself down, I think, due to this, and

due to that his name and field wasn't mentioned in the agenda.

So I think this distroyed the congress a

bit, I'm sorry to say, because the new chair went directly in, with facts, or

'facts', from Scandinavia, all the time.

Without saying e.g. that the ship was in Gothenburg, he just said


And with 't' becomming 'd', like the young chair said was usual in Scandinavia.

I think that is in Germany, that 't' becomes 'd', like in 'Donerstag' instead

of 'Thursday'.

So my experience of the congress was distroyed by this new chair, I have to

admit, so I wanted to complain about the congress.

I also think it's strange that all this Viking-stuff on the Wirral should be

run from Nottingham.

I think one should have a centre in the

Wirral or Chester or Isle of Man, to do with the Norwegian Vikings.

Because the Norwegian Vikings weren't in Nottingham I think.

I think a local university, which is located geografically, in what was

Norwegian Viking-territory, in the UK, should 'run the show' on this.

I think Nottingham was south of were the Norwegian Vikings lived, in the UK.

I think the Wirral was obviously a Norwegian Viking-land.

Why don't the Wirral run the show on this?

Why is the Wirral Viking-stuff run from Nottingham, (and Chester).

Maybe Chester would be logical, but was

has Nottingham to do with Norweigan Vikings in the Wirral?

This sounds strange to me.

Also, I think one should have a specialist in Viking-archology, digging up the

Viking-stuff on the Wirral, because the professor from National Museum

Liverpool, in a specialist in Roman and 'later' archeology.

And he explained that he thought something was roman, and then someone else

came and said that bird-figure for a weight, was viking.

I don't think this is taken seriously enough.

Look at the Roman arcahology, with the Circus etc, in Chester.

You say it isn't proven the Viking-ship in Meols is Viking.

But it is 'klinke'-buildt, which means it's Norse.

So I think you try to make this unclear, the ships origin, it definately

Viking/Norse, and not anything else.

So I question really the whole congress and you at Nottinghams motivation.

I understand that University of Oslo or

University of Trondheim didn't send any people, it's probably because they

didn't feel welcome.

Sorry that I think I have to write this direct to put it strange.

But there wasn't much viking about that congress I think.

Then it should have been served beer/ale

and not wine.

And 'speke'-food, and not Pakistani samosa-food.

This was not a Norse Viking-congress I think.

Sorry to say!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Stephen

Harding <>



Erik, yes we thoroughly enjoyed the congress, everyone seemed so enthusiastic …

and it was great having a Norwegian at the conference. The books on sale were

Vikings in the Irish Sea (Dr. David Griffiths), Irby (Dr. Rob Philpott) and

Viking DNA (by Turi King, Mark Jobling and myself).


for modern dynge = heap, but I will check with Dr. Paul Cavill to see if this

can help. Dingesmere: there are some links to this and Brunanburh on my

own Viking page


yes we’d all love to get this out, but as Dr. Philpott said it would cost

8-10Million to achieve, but the boat is perfectly safe in the blue clay until

that time comes.. which may not be for a long time. We don’t know its

Viking, all we know its very old! There are I think boats in blue clay in

Scandinavia – one in Karmoy and one near Gothenburg which have been left for

the foreseeable future. If there are any developments with Wirral we’ll

be sure to let you know,


this helps!





From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 21 November 2010 07:24

Subject: Viking-congress

in Chester/Fwd: St. Olave's Church in Chester


thanks for arranging the Viking-congress,

which I thought was a very fun idea!

I was just wondering, who was the chair,

after lunch again, (the young man in his 30's with a beard on his chin or under

his mouth, or what it's called).

Because I thought he was a bit 'on' me.

The one who replaced the professor from

Chester who was ill.

I've also sendt to the professer from

National Museums Liverpool and cultural historical museum Oslo University

again, about possible founding or expertice from Norway, for the vikingship in

Meols, which I brought up about, yesterday, on the congress, after the

professor from National Museums Liverpool spoke about the archeolology in Irby.

Also, I tried to explain about my

contributing regardin the subject of Dingesmere, to do with the big battle

between the Vikings and the English, on the Wirral.

In Norwegian, 'dynge' means 'heap'.

And I thought that could be relevant, since Norwegian and English once were the

same language.

The young chair was an expert on Scandinavia, (which I'm not I'm just a normal

Norwegian, but I've worked on a viking-farm in Norway, actually, Løvås farm in

Kvelde, (where someone tried to murder me, i 2005, so I went to Liverpool, and

the police wont investigate).

The young chair said that in Scandinavia

't' often became 'd'.

(This I don't know myself from being Norwegian, even if I one term at

high-school got the best grade, 'S', in Norwegian).

The young chair also said that vikingships

in Norway weren't always dug up.

But, in Norway, we have many vikingship,

in several musums, (like in Denmark etc).

But in the Wirral/North-England, you

haven't got a single vikingship which had been dug up.

So if it's right that we have ships like that, under clay, in Norway, then at

least we have some vikingships which we have put in the museum first.

E.g. the Vikingship Museum in Bygdøy, in Oslo.

Also, I thought I had to 'argue' with two

people at the same time, when I spoke.

Because the young chair, interrupted, my dialog with the two professors, I

thought a bit.

So that's why I left before the book-launch, because I was a bit disapointed in

the young chairs behavour.

So I was just a bit currious, who the young chair was again.

Because his name wasn't mentioned on the agenda, since the initial chair, after

lunch, the professor from University of Chester, was ill, if I understood you

right, when you briefly spoke, after lunch, yesterday.

Thank you very much in advance for any


And thanks again for holding the

Viking-congress, which was very fun, and the Viking-exhibition, at the

Grosvenor Museum, in Chester, was also very fine I think!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Steve Harding <>

Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:31 AM

Subject: RE: St. Olave's Church in Chester

To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Erik

Many thanks for your email. I will

write a more detailed reply later but I thought I'd better point out that the

present St. Olave's building is of course not the original but is probably on

the site of an original building which may have been wooden – we

don't know. It is in the southern part the city which we

believe to be the Scandinavian part of Chester in the 10th Century (and includes

the discovery site of a viking treasure hoard at Castle Esplanade and some

timber constructions similar to those in Dublin). The main area of Norse

settlement in the area was in Wirral where there is extensive place name,

archaeological and historical evidence, including 2 hogback tombstones.

If you get a chance have a look at my


and its links, but I will write back to

you more when I have some more time,

Beste sommerhilsener

Steve Harding

Tel: +44(0) 115 951 6148 (fax 6142)

Mob: +44(0) 78110 90635

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 19 July 2009 19:25


Subject: St. Olave's Church in Chester


I'm from Norway, but I live in Liverpool, and

the other day, I was in Chester, and I coinsidentily

stubled upon, the St. Olave's Church,

since I thought I had to see a bit of the other towns and

cities, in the North-West, and not only


I took some pictures of the church, and

posted on my blog.

From the 'sign' there, it could seem like the church was from the 18th century,

so much was

my surprice, when I searched on the

internet, and found, that the chuch was almost a thousand

years old, built by Norwegian Vikings who

were refugees from Dublin, since they lost control there,

it seems to me, after reading on the

internet about this.

I read on a blog called 'Ainscough Family

History', which I found throug Google, about the 'Viking

march', between the Wirral and Chester.

So I wrote a comment on that blog, with

questions about the St. Olave's Church, and was adviced

to contact you.

I was just wondering if the church is listed, since I don't think we have that

old viking stone-

buildings in Norway.

We have 'stav'-churches, in three, but I don't think we have any

stone-buildings, that are this old.

So, I was just curious about this.

I also wondered if there had been conflicts between the St. Olave's Parish and

the St. Michaels

Parish, since on one building, 'Nine

Houses', the borded between the parishes, was written on

the buildings facade.

And, I was also wondering, why it isn't a

plaque there, explaining about, that the church is almost

a thousand years old, built by Vikings

from Ireland, because the plaque that's there now, makes

it almost seem, that the building was

built much later, or, it only least the year the church was

conserved, in the 18th century, I think it


As I understand, all the part of Chester,

from the main street, and down to river, used to be

a Viking-district.

I was wondering, on some of the half

timbered houses, I saw some symbols that looked a bit

like what we call 'firkløver', that's

four-cleaver, I think, in English, could these symbols have

been from Norway, or are they English, since

I heard that these black and white half-timbered

houses are 'Tudor-style', so I guess that

the Vikings, in Chester, would have other types of

buildings, that was there, before the

Tudor-style buildings,contemporary with the St. Olave's


Sorry that I'm asking a lot of questions,

I understand if you haven't got the time to answer any

of these questions.

I just coincidentaly notices this church, when I was in Chester, and thought it

was fun, to see

place-names, and buildings, named after a Norwegian

king, that we learned about at school,

in Norway.

And at school, in Norway, we, as far as I remember, only learned about that

York, or 'Jorvik',

like the Vikings called the town or city,

was a Norwegian Viking-town or city.

But we didn't learn about, that there were viking setlements, in Cheshire and


So I wasn't aware of, that there was Viking-buildings, in Chester, when I went

there, so I was

a bit surprised to see the church, and

read about it on the internet, so that was very fun.

I thought that maybe this church, could be

one of the few buildings etc,. that remained,

after the Vikings, that had to leave


In Norway, we learn at school, that Vikings founded Dublin etc., but we don't

learn that

they went to England, after they lost

control in Ireland, so this was fun to learn.

So sorry again that I'm asking a lot of questions, and thanks in advance, if

you have the

time to explain about any of the questions

which I've ask!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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